Class Objectives:
-Learners will be able to use vocabulary words from "The Black Cow" given an assessment with 75% accuracy
- Learners will be able to write a story as a class using the parts of the WWW What=2 How=2 strategy.
-Students will use knowledge to play games
Warm Up:
Students will stand be directed to follow the teacher in movements and gestures in order to warm up and begin the day.
-Class Story
Students will be divided into 7 groups. Each group will be instructed to create a sentence using their assigned part of the WWW W=2 H=2 strategy. A volunteer from each group will read and the story will be written on the board
-Vocab Assessment
Post vocabulary test will be orally given to students as one group.
Guided Practice:
-Finish reading second half of "The Black Cow"; allow students to alternate reading aloud.
Circle vocabulary words
Independent Practice:
Finish writing sentences on vocabulary cards
Assessment/ Closure:
-Vocabulary Game- one guess per team(4); teams enact movement for the word
-Matching game- Students match WWW W=2 H=2 categories with parts of "Albert the Fish" and "The Farmer's Story"
For the end of our week, my partner (Carlyn) and I wanted to be able to round our week out by finishing the story, finishing our vocab cards and having a day of review and action. However, we can not always plan for the innevitable turn-arounds in life such as illness. In our best attempts to allow for the students who fell ill to heal and recover they stayed home today. So the biggest challenge of the day was being able to accomplish the set goals and apply the knowledge we've been gaining in the classroom without the assistance of your partner. Although it proved difficult to adjust from 2 teachers to one, I was glad to be able to carry on sucessfully with the assistence of Professor Rick and Jess. Because some student teachers were gone, we re-arrangend our time frames and took out our final hour of instruction. This caused me to reaarange my goals for the day in order to complete the most important activities. I was very excited to see the students bring together the knowledge they had gained all week and create a short story. I also really enjoyed their enthusiasm in demonstrating their knowledge in our vocabulary game. Althogh today was a hectic friday in the classroom, we were still able to accomplish our class story, reading the rest of "The Black Cow", our vocab game, along with several other action ativities such as "the brain dance" which the students really enjoyed. In the end of the day, I have learned that even though we may put time and effort in to planning out our day, we must still be able to roll with the punches and remember the reason why we are here, remember that its about the students and how they can get the best out of each day. I can't wait for monday morning to start a new eek and a new lesson :-)
-Annette :-)
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